WiMCO Committee Vision Statement:
WiMCO (Women in Mission Critical Operations) is a community within the 7×24 Exchange Washington DC Chapter designated for specific outreach to women in our industry to encourage strengthened engagement and participation as members, presenters, and attendees of Chapter events. A primary focus is placed on:
- Recruiting women into the 7×24 Exchange organization
- Promoting mission critical opportunities for women
- Providing leadership opportunities through the community
- Developing and supporting STEM initiatives, curriculums, scholarships and programs
About the DC Chapter WiMCO:
Our local DC Chapter 7×24 WiMCO community recognizes the importance of a diverse workforce. We offer leadership opportunities, community outreach initiatives, and educational events focused on topics that support inclusivity, career development, and STEM programs. We hope to influence the youth and increase the pool of qualified workers by showcasing the various career choices within our Industry, highlighting the many ways people can contribute and make an impact on the community.
As we understand and appreciate the necessity of different perspectives, our community is completely open, striving to contribute to the success of all. Our overarching goal is to drive awareness of the many opportunities available for women in our Industry and we are always looking for passionate people to be more involved. Please contact your WiMCO Chair if this sounds like something you would be interested in learning more about.
New initiatives include:
– Podcast Club
– Wake up with WiMCO
– Committee Involvement
– STEM programs
WiMCO Steering Committee Contact Info
- Callie Gregory, Chair
- Megan Baird, Co-Chair
- Lillian Rivera, Executive Director
- Christine Kopp, Community Outreach
- Tara McCarthy, Podcast Club
- Michelle Thompson, Golf
2025 Events
- Wake-Up with WIMCO – TBA
- In Person Meet-ups – March
- Book Club – February, April, June, October
- Golf Lessons – April – October

“It’s understood that gender diversity, i.e. women and men working together, produces better business outcomes. I support and participate in 7x24DC’s WiMCO to build my gender intelligence and improve my professional performance. Diversity overall and gender equity in particular can only be achieved when leadership itself is equitable and diverse. WiMCO engages diverse leadership from across the data center community and I’m glad to be a part of that progress.”